Journal of Contemporary Thought
The Forum on Contemporary Theory has been publishing the Journal of Contemporary Thought (JCT), an international peer-reviewed journal since 1991; it comes out twice a year, in summer and winter. The Forum is a member of the Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes (CHCI).
The Journal engages with or advances theory and critical inquiry in the humanities by providing a forum for scholarly dialogue on a broad range of topics significant to our time and cultures. Its focus is interdisciplinary, with preference given to studies of cultural criticism, intellectual history, and present-day issues. It considers textual studies for publication when they are placed in a broad conceptual framework.
The Journal has long had an editorial committee and an advisory committee consisting of eminent scholars in the humanities and social sciences from India and abroad. Its publication has, in the past, been supported by periodic grants from the International Lincoln Center at Louisiana State University in Shreveport (USA); the Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi and the University of North Texas at Denton (USA). On a hiatus since 2017, the Journal returns in 2024.
For more info, click here.
Current Issue
Number 47, Summer 2024
The latest issue of the Journal of Contemporary Thought is now available. Orders may be placed here: